


With a focus on the return to the gold standard in US manufacturing, and a strong desire for disruptive innovation and revolutionary product development, The Aapex Group strives to support multiple industries through advanced manufacturing, strategic development and fostering strong relationships.




The Goal of Aapex is simple – to achieve the very best in everything we do, to engage and accomplish everything we seek and bring that success to our partners and clients. Aapex is at the forefront of technology both in a practical sense as well as looking into an Eco-Positive future – one where a business’s footprint on the planet won’t be measured by its pollutants, but by its support of growth initiatives in local Agriculture, Parks and Recreation, and community outreach. Aapex is dedicated to improving and advancing the areas it operates in, returning their investment in our success through improving their lives and infrastructure with disruptive innovation.


Aapex was started to help return the Gold Standard in American Made Manufacturing and bring back the dependency on outsourced materials and products. Aapex offers support in areas that need manufacturing and supply chain assistance, as well as bring an environmentally-positive solution to manufacturing. Aapex is known as THE way to help the US return to its lead position in global industry, and to help our veterans and foster children throughout the US, and its people have worked tirelessly to maintain that mission and vision.

Aapex was built to support American industry and to help cement the US as the leader in global industry and capability. If we maintain Made in America products and American Industry, we maintain The United States of America and its workforce, and the freedoms we treasure. Its Aapex’s belief that it is all connected, and it is our responsibility as industry leaders to maintain that mission and contribute to national stability.

Our goal at Aapex is to provide support to our country and our industry, Save lives, Bring back the Gold Standard in Manufacturing, and Build a long-standing position and reputation for our quality, standards, and a conglomeration with the best products to support our goals. To further that standard, we are proud supporters of “Made in America” and have done an article with them speaking on Aapex’s support of American manufacturing and business – getting back to the time when the US set the bar and not China.


Aapex is dedicated to achieving a world where Industrial pollution and harm to the planet through global industrialization are a thing of the past. Aapex has a plan to make all its facilities – present and future, have a positive impact on planet. This means implementing and improving on processes and technologies, increasing market share to have a larger impact on the markets, and develop new ways to manufacture – new materials to develop that have no negative effects on the planet and in some cases can even have an Eco-Positive impact on the local flora and fauna. Aapex has proved in certain cases that it can achieve a cost-effective solution to Manufacturing pollution by changing maintenance materials to more Eco-Positive solutions and positioning itself to assist local farmland, parks, and common grounds by emitting eco-positive byproducts as a result of the manufacturing process.

As Aapex leads this charge, it will obviously take major ques from the UV-LED project and making most of these initiatives Federal Standards, that Aapex and its partners will be the only group ahead of the curve and setting the pace. This will equate to further expanded market share, as well as providing our network with a near endless supply of contracts and projects that are firmly entrenched in Emerging Tech utilizing next gen
“Green” processes. Leading by example, Aapex is set to be the voice behind a new age in Eco-Positive Manufacturing. Providing safe places to work, live and play as well as always expanding the technology promises to keep Aapex and its Partners engaged with the industry for decades to come.